White Mountaineering/ホワイトマウンテニアリング

White Mountaineering / Steak T-Shirt-Light Gray

¥238.00 (税込) ¥340.00

-SEASON CONCEPT- より軽やかに、動きやすく、生活に馴染むプロダクトを目指し、 都市生活とアウトドアの垣根をなくすための世界観を追求した今シーズン。

現代におけるアウトドアプロダクトを、どう日常のライフスタイルに溶け込ませるか。 オーバースペックのファンクションではなく、都会での生活スタイルにフィットさせるため、 また、ファッションの変革期において、White Mountaineeringがどう挑んでいくのか?


ファッションを通じて、「越えられない山は無い」というメッセージを込めて、 「ain't no mountain high enough」というキーワードを元に制作。

To be lighter, easier to move and more comfortable to fit with lifestyle, White Mountaineering focuses on the world to remove the border between the city and the outdoor life. It is essential to pursue how the current outdoor product can be mixed into the usual lifestyle and what is really demanded in the new daily lifestyle. We do not need over-specifications and too much functions, but need to fit with the action and style in the city life. This collection leads us to consider again about the meaning and reason why we create (orproduce) the outfit, by creating the several original textiles. “How are White Mountaineering going to challenge during this changing term of fashion?” This collection provides the wear for the new normal city life expressing the borderline between the products and the daily life. And it is created with the keyword “ain't no mountain high enough”, including the message that there is no mountain we cannot overcome, through our fashion.


バックプリントには「Tボーンステーキを焼く時は大胆に」とデザイナー によるメッセージをプリント。

Color:Light Gray


***If you have any question on items, feel free to contact us by email. We take international orders(ship by EMS and accept payment via Paypal).



1 2 3 4
肩幅(cm) 64 66.5 68.5 70
身幅(cm) 57 58.5 60.5 62.5
袖丈(cm) 17 17.5 19 21
着丈(cm) 69 71 71.5 74
